Incorporating more water into your daily routine is one of the keys to developing healthier habits. But have you seen the recommended daily amounts? Eight glasses might seem like enough to drown in; however, it’s easier than you think to get in all the hydration you need.

How Much Water Should I Drink?

Good question! Although eight 8-ounce glasses a day is the most common recommendation, the amount of water you need really depends on your lifestyle.

  • Are you very active? Athletic people who perform strenuous exercise every day need to drink water before, during, and after their workouts to ensure their bodies replace the electrolytes lost through sweat.
  • Do you work or otherwise spend a lot of time in the heat? People who work outdoors need plenty of extra water to stay cool and safe.
  • Do you have a chronic illness? Those who are struggling through an illness need more water in order to keep their bodies as healthy and hydrated as possible.

For a healthy person doing normal, everyday activities, the amount of water necessary can be calculated with this simple equation: divide your body weight by half, and drink that much water in ounces. So if you weigh 160 pounds, you’d need to drink a minimum of 80 ounces of water a day to stay healthy.

What’s Keeping You From Getting Enough Water?

If you typically drink two or more cups of coffee, or more than one soda a day, you may find it difficult to drink enough water. When you’re full from sugary, caffeinated, or diet drinks, it’s unlikely you’ll be in the mood for a nice, tall glass of water!

You can take small steps to incorporate more water into your daily routine. Start by replacing one drink a day with a glass of water and move up from there. You’ll probably find that you don’t miss the empty calories!

What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Water?

Not getting the water your body needs every day can affect your health. Signs that may indicate dehydration include:

  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Inability to focus
  • Lack of strength
  • Lethargy

If you experience any of these, get yourself some water, stat! And make drinking water a daily priority. If you need help, there are several apps on the market now that will remind you to get your daily ounces in!

Keep Filtered Water at Home

Home water delivery or office bottled water delivery keeps filtered, great-tasting water at your fingertips all day long. Whether you have a water cooler or have bottled water delivered, the convenience of having filtered water wherever you are can help you drink more of it, stay hydrated, and (hopefully!) make more healthy choices.

If you want to get more water in your life, start with home or office water delivery from Endless Waters. Endless delivers filtered water throughout the DC, Maryland, and Virginia regions. Contact us to learn more.